Medical Waste
Internationally Standardized and Eco-Friendly
MediWaste is a team of professionals dedicated to providing cost-effective hassle-free collection and disposal of your medical waste.
Biohazardous Waste & Sharps
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), sharps and waste that has been contaminated with body fluid, and microbiological cultures.
Pharmaceutical Waste
including prescription and over-the-counter medications, veterinary medications, and nutritional supplements.
Trace Chemotherapy
including expired drugs, aborted dosages, contaminated personal protective equipment (PPE), and other materials.
Pathological Waste
recognizable human-derived tissues, organs, body parts, vertebrate animal-derived tissues, organs, and body parts used in research.
Medical Waste Packaging
Medical waste requires special handling and disposal. Incorrect medical waste packaging presents a public health risk and can also directly and seriously injure waste collection workers.
MediWaste is unable to collect from generators that are not compliant with packaging standards.